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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

WPP Preschool Easter Egg Hunt

Today Charlotte and I headed over to her preschool to do an Easter egg hunt with her class. Myself and another class parent were able to hide all the eggs in the toddler playground and then we let the kids loose.

Most of the class really got into the hunt but not our Charlotte. She placed Ducky in her basket and wanted to play on the equipment - even tried to go down the slide with her basket.

With some encouragement from Charlotte’s teacher and myself she did pick up a few eggs. When I opened one up to show her what was IN the eggs - suddenly she was REALLY motivated.

Charlotte liked the bug toys (especially the butterfly) and candy eggs. It was also so nice to meet many more of the parents of her classmates and to watch all the kids running around with such excitement – the more time Charlotte spends with her class the more we love this school!

Ps – The Mom of one of Charlotte’s classmates made THE most adorable iced egg cookies for each child in the class. The cookies even had each child’s name printed on them – just precious – and what a nice thing to do! Everyone knows that kind of personal touch is right up my alley – told you I love this school!

1 comment:

  1. Charlotte looks so cute with her big basket! I'm glad she finally got into the groove of the hunt!
