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Monday, March 1, 2010

Making Cookies With Grandma

Tonight my Mom {aka Grandma} came over for a visit and made M&M cookies with Charlotte. My mom is the best at getting Charlotte involved in activities and keeping her interested, that says A LOT! When Grandma is over you will find Charlotte loading the dryer, helping to fold clothes, playing outside, cooking, playing hide and seek, watering plants, sorting laundry, giving the “girls” (our sister Flat Coat Retrievers) dinner or water, baking, etc. Somehow {we think it’s hero worship} Charlotte just wants to do whatever Grandma is doing. Believe me when it’s Wayne or I the thrill is just NOT there most of the time...

So, it was no surprise tonight to find Charlotte and Grandma covered in flour huddled over the mixer laughing away. Charlotte was a little loose with the “flour in the bowl” rule but they had a great time making a mess and YUMMY M&M cookies, with leftover dough for us to enjoy another two batches! Charlotte was REALLY happy with the end results….

Being in the kitchen with (and learning to cook and bake from) my Mom is one of my favorite things to do. I LOVE that among other fun things, Charlotte is getting to experience that with Grandma too!

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