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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Jack

This morning Charlotte and I were able to help celebrate Jack’s 2nd Birthday at his pirate party in the park, ARRRR! Jack is one of Charlotte’s M&M friends and the kids have been playing in the same playgroup since they were very little. Jack’s parents had a really neat pirate bounce house but Charlotte was a little intimidated by all the big kids. Instead she had a great morning running around the open fields of the park. She and Daisy ran all around the park trying to sneak over to where there was an organized soccer game in progress. They also kicked and threw a ball to each other, chased each other around a tree and sang songs. It was really sweet and I was able to get a quick video of them which is below.

This is one of the first times Charlotte has really played WITH one of her friends – so neat to watch them interact together instead of just doing their own thing around each other. Anyway, we had a great morning - Happy 2nd Birthday Jack!

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