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Monday, March 15, 2010

Charlotte Makes Dinner...No Cameras Are Harmed

Tonight Charlotte helped me make dinner again, Ravioli Lasagna this time. I know you all think the only things we make are baked goods and Italian food in this house….well; we DO eat A LOT of both. I promise the posting ratio is just {slightly} skewed.

Anyway, while Charlotte was bouncing around to Yo Gabba I made the mushroom and sausage sauce fully intending to make dinner solo – she was pretty involved in her “Dance-y Dance”! Just about the time I was starting to assemble the ingredients Charlotte came into the kitchen “asking” {this is my nice way of editing her puling me by my index finger – really hard} me to come to HER kitchen so she could make dinner. I told her that I had to stay in MY kitchen but could she help me make dinner, oh boy she was SO excited. So I gathered the ingredients and set her up with everything on the kitchen table – off we went on a cheese flying, ravioli eating {uhum, Charlotte!} adventure. She did a great job and especially liked going back in forth between ingredients aspect BUT was disappointed I would not let her handle the HOT marinara sauce. Tough times, I know! The finished product was eaten too fast for me to snap a picture – I might have lost a limb if I’d gotten too close! Charlotte deemed the sausage too spicy but ate so much of the spinach and cheese raviolis she stated looking on other peoples plates for more!

Thanks to Grandma (my Mom) for bringing over a German Chocolate Cake for dessert. It was delicious and we all had second helpings!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea. I need to let Cristiana help me cook, because she's just like Charlotte, wants me to help her in her kitchen when I need to get cooking in mine.
