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Monday, February 22, 2010

Charlotte’s First Day Of Preschool

This morning was Charlotte’s first day of school at Winter Part Presbyterian Preschool! She is in Mrs. Kris’s 18-24 month old class one day a week. Nanny (Wayne’s Mom) has been keeping Charlotte on Monday, Wednesdays and Friday so having Charlotte in school on Mondays will give Nanny a bit of a WELL DESERVED break. We are very excited for her to start school and learn new things and play with new friends. Her teachers seem very loving and the activities they plan look like a lot of fun!

Wayne and I were able to arrange our schedules so that we could both take her to her first day. Charlotte seemed really excited to pack her backpack (with Ducky {of course} and her Owl Babies book) and to have her own lunch bag – you know how Charlotte LOVES bags! Once we got into class she was a little cautious as usual but seemed intrigued by the play-dough tools the kids were playing with and quickly got involved. She was pretty good about giving Wayne and I hugs and kisses and saying bye-bye and didn’t even cry. Just as we were closing the doors another little girl in the class told Charlotte “Mommies and Daddies come back”. How sweet (and coincidentally the theme of Charlotte’s favorite book, Owl Babies)! Wayne played it cool but I cried as soon as we got in our car – it’s partly being proud of her growing up and being able to do things on her own and partly sad that she is growing up and doing things on her own…being a mom is so hard sometimes.

Anyway when we picked her up later in the day she seemed happy to see us but not in a hurry to leave. Her teachers said she was a little shy and didn’t eat her lunch but overall she did fine – what a relief! I can just see her being so interested in what the other kids were doing that she spent a lot of time “people watching”. Charlotte had a lot of things to tell us about her first day of school – mostly about playing outside and another classmate, Sophia. It was so fun to piece together her stories about the day and to see how animated she was about her day.

Lucky for us, Charlotte’s teacher keeps a private website for the class and posts pictures of the kid’s adventures though out the day. This is a picture of Charlotte on the playground during her first day of school – looks to me like she is having a great day!

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