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Monday, February 1, 2010

Charlotte's Big Girl Bed

Tonight we finally gave in and set Charlotte up in a “BIG GIRL” bed! She has been getting out of her crib off and on since Christmas Eve (22 months) with the frequency increasing more recently – so, against our better judgment we gave in tonight. We were lucky to borrow my sister’s transitional crib, which means it goes from a crib to a toddler bed to a full size – MUCH later on. Thanks Sancha! Charlotte LOVES it and even posed “sleeping” for me. She spent all of her bedtime story time exploring how to get in and out of bed. Here’s hoping she will STAY in bed…we’ll put a baby gate on her door just in case!

I am also including a short (and dark – sorry about that) video of Charlotte playing with her babies in her new bed (also the tail end of Grandma reading Owl Babies). It is funny to see how much trouble she has getting out of the bed – we hope that lasts! Also, Charlotte is making her babies slide out of the bed and then jump out of the bed….we are in trouble!

PS – Please disregard the Christmas pajamas – what can we say, she still fits in them!

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