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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

M&M: Monkey Joe’s Play Date

This morning Charlotte and I went to Monkey Joe’s with our Mommy & Me group (Kristin, Ava, Monica, Amelia, Julie, Haley, Maite & Christiana). Although this was our first time there, Charlotte had such a BLAST running, tumbling, bouncing, hopping, etc. She is defiantly in the HIGH ENERGY stage but even with that I could not believe how she could keep going and going. She climbed up quite a few high slides all by herself and came down them without even the slightest hesitation. She was moving SO fast most of the pictures are a blur!

We did have one fall though when she tried to bounce her bottom off of a picnic table seat and unfortunately fell right on her face. Three of her teeth cut into her bottom lip and there was quite a lot of blood. I was a wreck, she was crying really hard and Ducky was covered in blood. Charlotte was very upset for about ten minutes, whiny for another five and then…OVER IT. I chased her the rest of the play date with a napkin and some ice; just in case she started bleeding again but it did not slow her down one bit. What a relief! Actually when it came time to leave (after almost two hours) I had to bribe her with a “Pop-Pop” (aka lollypop) and her Ducky. Truly even that didn’t work that well and she was still kicking and screaming on our way out the door. :)

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, I just love seeing this. The static in her hair is a hoot as well! Bless our Charlotte Morgan Chambers. Grandma
