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Friday, January 15, 2010

Dinner With Justin & Holly

Tonight Justin and Holly come over for a yummy country dinner. We had roasted chicken, green beans, cornbread, grits and rolls. Not to mention fresh turtle cookies for afters! What a yummy dinner! Justin and Holly also joined us for Charlotte’s story time. They really are good sports to help us entertain Charlotte. She really liked looking at Holly's camera and seeing the pictures of herself. In the last picture Charlotte is giving Wayne a goodnight hug - too sweet!

Lately Charlotte has wanted to take her own turn “reading” a book before bed. Mostly we just let her go through a book she is familiar with and tell us what she sees or remembers about the story. This is a video of her “reading” a book called Owl Babies. It is a sweet story about three baby owls who are waiting for their mother to come home to their nest. Listen to hear Charlotte talk about “Percy” (one of the owl babies), “Gone” as in the mother owl is gone and then see her giving them a kiss goodnight. You will also see quite a few flashes from our friends taking pictures – please note Charlotte is SO used to flash photography she takes it in stride!

Anyway, we have so much fun with Justin & Holly and enjoy trading our TV show insight with their movie/music knowledge. Every dinner we try to find a funny television series to top the one we introduced them to the dinner before. This week it was Community – if you have never seen it, check it out!

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