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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Baking

This year I let myself get behind in my Christmas baking so a majority of the baking was done in one night. This “all in one night” process drove Wayne a little crazy. See, the house smells like a bakery (and is stocked like one) and he is not allowed to touch ANYTHING, poor guy! Usually, I am able to do the baking and packaging over a few days and, so, he gets “leftovers” on a regular basis.

Anyway, I LOVE to bake so doing this for our family and a few friends is pure Christmas joy for me! This year I made old fashioned oatmeal cookies (my Mom’s recipe), chocolate peanut cups, sugar cookies, white chocolate cups, brownies, chocolate chip cookies and peppermint bark. I was able to find these adorable red buckets to package for twelve of our friends and family. I ran out of time – again I got behind – and, so, I am going to have to make the gingerbread cookies for Santa later this week.

One of these days I will figure out a better schedule so that Wayne doesn’t have to “suffer” through the holidays! :) Plus next year I’d like to be able to bake for more of our friends…we’ll see….

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