Pages To Visit

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree

This morning Wayne, Charlotte and I met Erik, Sancha, Jacob and Brennan at Santa’s Christmas Tree Forrest to pick out our tree for this year. This was the first cold day we have had and, so, the BEST day to pick out a tree! What a NEAT place with so much to do we only managed a fraction of the activities after several hours. We started with the little petting farm and Charlotte especially liked the different varieties of Roosters. Then the kids bounded around in a HUGE pile of hay and had a blast falling into and throwing hay. We then walked through the “cut your own tree” forest where the kids had fun running around and hiding behind the trees. On the way back Brennan and Charlotte held hands – too sweet. Charlotte liked walking through the “pre-cut tree” area and touching the needles of all the (9) different tree varieties. She came up with some adorable faces! Other than picking out a beautiful Noble Fir for our house we walked through the plant shop, took a hay ride and waved to Santa and Mrs. Claus. Next year we will let Charlotte take a turn on the reindeer tractor ride and pony drawn cart. Oh, can’t forget to sit by the bonfire and make smores next year either!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

M&M: The Original Six Lunch

Today Charlotte and I met with the original moms/kids from our Mommy & Me group for lunch. Although we see each other quite a bit with play dates, Mom’s Night Out, holiday and birthday parties it was so fun to get together and just reminisce about how far we have come. See the June 18, 2008, post for our first lunch.

Today is also Maite’s birthday so we surprised her with cake and the birthday song! What a fun time!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Aunt Katie

Today Charlotte and I made caramel walnut brownies for Aunt Katie’s Birthday. To make things easier I pre-measured all the ingredients. However, Charlotte really helped A LOT and had so much fun grinding the walnuts. Makes me think she could be ready to help me measure soon – then she can bake from scratch. Anyway, about halfway through stirring Charlotte realized that what we were making tasted good. From then on every other word she spoke was “bite”. BUT once the brownies were baked, she didn’t really seem all that interested in eating them. I have no idea who this alien “non brownie eater” child is! Happy Birthday Katie, hope you like the brownies and the picture Charlotte colored for you. :)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Executive Charlotte

This afternoon Wayne brought Charlotte by my office. She immediately wanted to get up in my chair. After a few minutes of twirling around she was ready to get down to business. Phone in one hand and the other working the keyboard – she was in business!