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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pickin’ Halloween Pumpkins

Yippee! This afternoon we took our annual trip to the pumpkin patch to find pumpkins that were "just right" for celebrating HALLOWEEN! The weather was gorgeous - cool and breezy, perfect for our trip to the patch.

Wayne and I had so much fun watching Charlotte “discover” the pumpkins. The few times she did “stop for a minute” she really liked feeling the different textures of each pumpkin. Charlotte would just give a big smile and yell “Pun-KIN” the off to the next adventure! She was also drawn to the tiny pumpkins and tried to pick up as many as she could at one time. Charlotte was not successful but it was so cute to watch her screw up her face in concentration.

This year it took us FOREVER to pick our pumpkins – I think we underestimated how hard it would be to corral a toddler AND pick/carry around three heavy pumpkins. Next year we will bring our wagon!

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