Pages To Visit

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wayne's Yummy Dinner

Check out what Wayne made for dinner…chicken stuffed with feta cheese, bacon and spinach…with a Fettuccini Alfredo. Smelled so good I couldn't wait to have a bite, tasted yummy too!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

M&M: OMA Mom Art

Today Charlotte and I went to the Orlando Museum of Art for a photography seminar and tour.  This is the second year we have attended this class and I just LOVE the professional photos they take.

After class Tracy, Julie and I took the girls to Chick-fil-A for lunch.  Their favorite part?  Exploring the play area together!!!


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday Afternoon At The Playground

This afternoon Wayne and I decided to take Charlotte and the dogs on a short walk over to the elementary school playground in our neighborhood. Once we got to the play area we let the dogs loose to run around, which they did until they were so tired we were not sure they’d make it home. Ramie and Valyn spent the rest of our visit rolling around in the sand. Charlotte loved climbing up the rock wall – in fact Wayne climbed with her as a “spotter” but she did all the work herself – the little monkey! She also liked the three slides which had different textures so that each one was either bumpy, super fast or slow. What a great way to spend the afternoon!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

M&M Playdate: Dr. Phillips Park Splash Pad

Today our Mommy & Me group headed over to the Dr Phillips Community Park Splash Pad. Aunt Katie came along so she could get acclimated to “A Day In The Life Of Charlotte.” We thought this would be a good idea since she will be watching Charlotte for the next few months while my Mother In Law has and recovers from surgery. Anyway, the three of us had a blast. Charlotte particularly liked splashing in the standing water as opposed to being splashed by the water fountains. She played with Amelia, Regan and Haley today and also enjoyed taking their toys…and snacks!