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Friday, July 31, 2009

Charlotte's Family Picture Book

I finally completed a project that has been “in the making” FOREVER. This is a family picture book I created for Charlotte based on a project my Mom did for the ‘Not boys and a suggested project from Jan Parish (Early Literacy classes). Anyway, we “read” the book to Charlotte as one of her bedtime stories every night and she alternates between repeating the names back to us, kissing the picture or just pointing and saying the name without being prompted. Actually we kinda hide the book from her until the end of story time because she otherwise only wants to read THIS book. She just loves seeing all the people who love her every night and she is picking up their names so quickly. She can say Ramie, Cameron, Tony, Rose, and Brennan clear as day! I am thinking of making her a book of common things she sees every day like her Ducky, crib, bike, toy box, etc or her extended family and friends. I’ll let you know if I ever get there….

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea, I have pictures in an album for her but I guess I really didn't think to put peoples names on them, it would be super helpful since all our family is out of town. I might have to steal this idea!
