Pages To Visit

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Charlotte And Her Bunny Twin

So the story behind this picture goes back at least fifteen years when the Mom of my longtime friend, Charlie, made this bunny for me complete with an adorable party dress. Flash forward. When Wayne and I started calling Charlotte “Bunny” my Mom got the great idea to borrow the bunny patterns from Pandora, Charlies' Mom, to make them matching outfits. They are just ADORABLE together. As you can see Charlotte got a kick out of the whole thing. Thanks Pandora for letting us borrow your patterns and thanks Mom for making these adorable outfits - we love them.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Brennan

Today my cousin, Chris, married his sweetheart, Melissa, in Naples. Unfortunately, we were not able to attend the wedding but we have it on good authority (Gram, Mom, Ty, Cam, and Van) that the ceremony was just beautiful. Don’t they make the most adorable couple! Best Wishes Guys – We Love Ya!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Splash Pad Fun

This afternoon Charlotte and I met up with my friend Jennifer, her sister Natalie and nephew Bryn at the Hannibal Square Splash Pad for some afternoon fun. We had a great time visiting and the kids were so cute sharing their snacks. Charlotte was much more interested in the Splash Pad this time and really enjoyed sticking her face right in the spray of water!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

M&M Play Date: Judi & Jack’s House

Today we were invited to Judi & Jack’s house for a play date – she was very brave to host all of us. I think the numbers were close to 16+ mom/baby couples and that does not even include a couple of VERY helpful Grandmas. Charlotte had so much fun playing with the water table and climbing up the “slide end” of their slide. It’s such a pleasure to watch all the kids interacting with each other and displaying their own personalities. We have quite a lively and LARGE group!