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Saturday, May 23, 2009

St. Petersburg Work Weekend

This weekend was a working weekend for my Mom and I. As luck and scheduling would have it Charlotte was able to go with us. We stayed at the Renaissance Vinoy Resort & Golf Club in St Petersburg for the first few days and did so much in a short period of time. Charlotte LOVED playing with Grandma, especially trying on Grandma’s shoes and fluffy socks. Charlotte has them on in the pictures where she looks like a bear cub from the knees down. One of the highlights was going to a private dinner at the St. Petersburg, Florida Museum of Fine Arts with my Dad and sister, who were also there for work. The museum was hosting the Andy Warhol Portfolios: Life and Legends exhibit as well as some interesting “More Than Words: Illustrated Letters from the Archives of American Art” pieces. The RPPTL took a fun picture of my sister, Dad and I with the Andy Warhol background – nice of them to tell me ahead of time that we were ACTING too mature to do the bunny ear thing! After the dinner Sancha and I decided to check out a local Gelato Shop we’d heard rave reviews about. I can’t remember what she ordered but after MUCH deliberation the flavor I ordered was Brown Sugar – yumm! We took our order to go and walked back to the hotel through the connecting park. The park was lit up with thousands of white lights in the forest of trees. It was beautiful!

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