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Saturday, May 2, 2009

Sick Family

Unfortunately, our whole family has fallen ill to a stomach virus this week. Even sadder is that Charlotte has been feverish on and off all week – with very little change even when her other symptoms got better. Although we called her pediatrician earlier this week for care advice Wayne called again this am regarding her fevers. The pediatrician asked us to come in just to “look her over” and make sure Charlotte was on the mend. Thank God or pediatrician has weekend hours. After the exam Dr. Van Wert said that Charlotte looked good but was concerned about the possibility of a kidney infection. This meant that Charlotte needed to have a cath so they could test her urine. Well, 2 ½ hours and a good bit of crying later – all of Charlotte’s tests came back fine. Dr. Van Wert said that Charlotte is just on the downward slope of getting better. Good thing because it has been harder than I expected to care for her while Wayne and I were miserable ourselves. Thanks go out to Grandma and Nanny for helping us out this week!

At this appointment Charlotte weighed in at 22 pounds and 10 ounces. This means that at approximately 14 months old (sick visit) Charlotte has moved from the 66% in weight (12 month well visit) down to the 56%. I sure hope that this is from being sick and that she will keep moving up the chart!

1 comment:

  1. Don't you hate when things run through the whole family? We just finally got over something not too long ago as well. Jaime brought it home from work, gave it to Cristiana and then I closed the deal!
