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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Today started out with a yummy breakfast to celebrate Nanny for Mother’s Day! Charlotte managed to give Wayne a good run for his money while we waited in the courtyard to be seated. The morning was fun, Charlotte ate her weight in Wayne’s pancakes, and the restaurant even gave Sonia and I chocolates – what could be better!

Then we went over to Grandma’s house, met up with the ‘Nots and help Grandma with a project. After working up and appetite the three of us took Grandma out for a delicious lunch. During lunch charlotte managed to take her shoes of at least a thousand times and make friends with the couple sitting behind us – what’s new.

When we got home I was greeted by the beautiful bouquet of flowers Wayne surprised me with yesterday. So, as you can see our threesome had a fun and busy day!

I am also including a picture of Charlotte’s first works of art. She colored pictures for her Grandma, Nanny and Aunt Sancha to wish them Happy Mother’s Day.

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