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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Brennan Family Easter Dinner

Today Wayne, Charlotte and I headed over to my Dad and Step-Mom’s house for a big Easter dinner. As usual the house was packed with family, yummy food and fun. Luckily, my Grandma, cousin David and his girlfriend, Vita, were also able to join us – very special.

The kids (Jacob, Brennan & Charlotte) did an Easter Egg Hunt in the back yard that Granddad and GranLeigh put together – complete with personalized eggs and special age appropriate treats! How nice of them. Charlotte liked the Egg Hunt a lot but really would have been happy to stop at one. She wanted to find an egg and then sit on the ground and play with it – not getting the whole “get as many as you can before you cousins get them all” concept. Wayne and I kept taking the eggs from her, putting them in her basket and encouraging her to find more. Each time she would put on a pouty face until we distracted her with another “find” - it was seriously adorable.

Special thank you to Granddad, Grandma, Uncle Erik, Aunt Sancha, GranLeigh, Grandma Prince, Nonie and Grandpa Bill for all the wonderful Easter gifts they gave Charlotte. She is such a lucky girl - so well dressed and prepared for all kinds of fun because of her family!

PS – Please note in one of the pictures, Charlotte is trying to steal Jacob, her cousin’s, Easter cake. This is the same MO from last night when tried (successfully) to take poor Gabriel’s cheese cake. Beware of Charlotte The Cake Monster!!! Good thing Jacob JUST had a birthday party…

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