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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Girls Day At The Mall

Today Charlotte and I spent the day together at The Mall at Millenia. Initially we were going to get her LATE one year photos taken at Picture People and run some errands. I had also hoped to get Charlotte a meet and greet with the Easter Bunny too.

These pictures are from our lunch break in the food court. This mall has a large open area with carpeting that covers a spring floor in the middle of the food area. Most parents just let their kids run crazy playing in this area, and today I did too. Charlotte played happily for over thirty minutes and we both met some interesting new friends. Charlotte made so many friends she was actually a little upset when the other kids had to end their play time.

Although we did wait in line to meet the Easter Bunny after about thirty minutes Charlotte was not interested in sitting in line any longer – who can blame her. I guess she will have to wait until next year for her first official meeting.

Charlotte's One Year-ish Pictures

I took Charlotte to have some one year old pictures made today. I am a little late – she is already 13 months old – but you still “get the picture.” We had hoped to have our wedding photographer do these but the scheduling just was not working out – we seem to be too busy these days to know when we are going to be free! These pictures are just sweet and the outfit (thanks again Uncle Tony & Auntie Elena) is so perfect! I love that they were able to capture her newest teeth!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Pictures with Grandma

Here are some pictures including one with Charlotte and her Grandma. Most especially interesting are Charlotte's dress and Grandma’s shirt. The adorable dress is a gift from Grandma’s trip to Hawaii last summer and we just loved the way she looks in it. Grandma made her pink and orange t-shirt, which says “Grandma”, for Charlotte’s birthday party. Unfortunately, it did not originally get photographed at the party– and we wanted to make sure we got a good picture. Thanks Mom!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Grandma’s Gonna Get Charlotte

Today my mom, Sheila, came over to help me with Charlotte while I did some yard work. Charlotte had a GREAT time playing with her Grandmother. While I was inside taking a break I caught this quick video… I had apparently tromped in some water when I came inside so, unfortunately, their game was cut short. :( Thanks again for your help mom!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dinner with the Pegg's

Tonight Ryan and Marcie came over to out house for dinner. We had such a good night and hope we can hang out again soon. I wanted to share this cute picture of Charlotte and Marcie right after Charlotte’s bath.

Thanks to Ramena and Brianna for Charlotte’s adorable duck pajamas!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

M&M Play Date: Minnehaha Park

This afternoon after our last Mom Baby Connection class, where we had a GREAT Gymboree demonstration, Charlotte and I met the M&M’s for lunch in the park.

Maite found this location which was recently renovated to include new equipment and Astroturf. Lunch was so much fun but we did find that none of the kids wanted to drink from their own sippy cups – only each other’s! Charlotte enjoyed testing the freedom of the gated park as well as the feel of the Astroturf under her bare feet. Most of the area was shaded BUT when she would spend too much time on hot Astroturf she would stop in her tracks, look for me and cry until I picked her up. Charlotte was just so funny with her determination to be on her own with her own agenda and then all of the sudden she would look for Mommy to help her. It was really sweet. We loved this park and will be back soon!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Charlotte's Raggedy Ann Dress

Tonight Charlotte was finally able to try on her special Raggady Ann dress. This is a dress that my Mom handmade (including transfers from about 1977) for Charlotte’s birthday. She was also given a matching Raggady Ann doll that Charlotte likes to cuddle with. Wish I’d thought to get a picture of Charlotte wearing her dress and holding her doll. Anyway the dress is adorable and I just want to thank my mom for making this special project for Charlotte and including some nostalgia from my childhood.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Brunch with the O'Rourke's

This “mid” morning Wayne, Charlotte and I met our friends Erik, Lisa, and Ollie for brunch at Dexter’s in Winter Park. We had great time with them catching up and watching the kids (Ollie is just about four months older than Charlotte) antics while we ate. After brunch we walked over to the little park across the street to let the kids run around. Charlotte and Ollie had so much fun testing their limits and ALMOST convinced us to let them romp around in the small splash park. We’ll save that adventure for another time! Can’t wait to do this again sometime SOON!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Brianna

This afternoon Charlotte and I were able to attend a first birthday party at Gymboree for her friend Brianna.

Brianna’s mom, Ramena, and I met and became friends at the Mommy & Me classes. This means the girls have known each other since they were six months old! Some of the other M&M mom/babies were also there to share in the fun too. We had so much fun at Brianna’s party with all of the other kids and moms – most of the dad’s opted to stay in the waiting area! Charlotte LOVED the songs and games. She was laughing and clapping while the instructor led us through fun activities with a parachute and bubbles. Charlotte even tried her hand at the balance beam – says a lot since she is really just now getting the hang of walking on her own in the last month. Brianna was so cute when it came time to sing Happy Birthday and eat her cake. Ramena was trying to get her interested in the cake but all Brianna wanted to do was play with her ball and so she started crying because her mom kept her from playing when she was supposed to be eating her cake! It was so funny for all the guests! The party was so much fun that I hope to get Charlotte enrolled in some classed at Gymboree – she would LOVE that.

Happy 1st Birthday Brianna! Thanks for including us in your big celebration.