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Thursday, February 26, 2009

12 Month Doctor’s Appointment

Wayne and I took Charlotte to her twelve month “well” visit today. Dr. Fisk said that she looked great and seemed pleased with all the new skills she has learned. She had her eyes and hearing examined today AND the poor thing received three shots. Charlotte did squirm and cry briefly during her shots but luckily (since I had to hold her down this time) the crying did not last very long! Her height to weight ratio has quite a gap and once we could see the numbers charted we were concerned Charlotte might not be eating enough. Dr. Fisk was not concerned and said that she is well proportioned and healthy. Apparently it’s now time to transition her from formula to whole milk and from a bottle to a Sippy cup – wish us luck!

We don’t go back for another “well” visit until her fifteen month appointment in May – seems so far away. Charlotte has learned so many things just in the last few weeks – we can’t even imagine what new tricks she will have learned by May.

Weight: 21 pounds, 14 ounces (66th percentile)
Height: 31 1/4 inches (97th percentile)
Head Circumference: 17 7/8 inches (65th percentile)

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