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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

MBC & Lunch With The Girls

Today Charlotte and I barely made it to Mom Baby Connection, just one of those mornings. When we finally got there it was kinda funny because since this is the new session most of the class was made up of younger babies – at first I thought I had the wrong week. We were one of only four “older” baby/mom combinations. This class is for babies up to one year old so I hope that some of the other mom’s we have been in class with will come back for a few more months. I have so much fun watching the kids play together! Anyway, I shot this adorable picture of Ryder and Charlotte.

After MBC Charlotte and I met Cyndi, Daisy, Sonya and Gabriella at Beefy King for an impromptu lunch. You can always talk me into BK and hanging out with the girls is just icing on the cake! Daisy and Gabriella were SO cute; they were feeding each other and then fighting over the food. It’s amazing to me how much they have grown up!

1 comment:

  1. I must have missed you. I showed up around 12:15 (Cristiana's nap has been running into the time of MBC). I also felt a little strange walking in but it will be nice to meet a few new faces for a few months
