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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

3rd Anniversary Trip

Wayne and just got back from a MUCH needed trip over to St. Petersburg Beach for our 3rd Anniversary. I actually won a 3/2 stay at the Trade Winds Resort just weeks before I had Charlotte so we decided then that we’d use the trip as our first getaway together (sans adorable baby) after having her. Luckily my mom, Sheila, offered to stay with Charlotte, even before she was born, so we could enjoy our trip just the two of us. Wayne and I drove over to the beach on Sunday afternoon, got settled in to the resort and promptly started the pub crawl. It was so much fun “trying” out all the different bars (I think there are seven on property and one at a sister property up the beach) and specialty drinks. We both intended to stick to the golden rule and stay with beer but the warm day and neat drink options got the better of us! Luckily and very surprisingly, we did not suffer any ill effects from switching back and forth. It was really fun to tour the property for the crawl too. Anyway we managed to hit all the bars and so we won t-shirts! This is a beautiful resort with a waterway built in and around all the buildings it makes for a lot of beautiful bridges and neat wildlife. The few days we were away were of course COLD, we DID get married in January after all, but we managed to have a great time swimming in the heated pool and lounging in the sauna anyway. They have so many more fun things to do, min golf, giant chess, three story water slide that I’d really like to go back some other time so we can experience all the resort has to offer. We had a great Anniversary celebration and look forward to many, many more – especially if they are at nice resorts like this one.

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