This is such a funny picture. Here is Charlotte mid bath – with her tongue out!
Please note she has these neat color tablets that let her mix the color of her bath water. Tonight just happened to be BLUE night!
This year I let myself get behind in my Christmas baking so a majority of the baking was done in one night. This “all in one night” process drove Wayne a little crazy. See, the house smells like a bakery (and is stocked like one) and he is not allowed to touch ANYTHING, poor guy! Usually, I am able to do the baking and packaging over a few days and, so, he gets “leftovers” on a regular basis.
Anyway, I LOVE to bake so doing this for our family and a few friends is pure Christmas joy for me! This year I made old fashioned oatmeal cookies (my Mom’s recipe), chocolate peanut cups, sugar cookies, white chocolate cups, brownies, chocolate chip cookies and peppermint bark. I was able to find these adorable red buckets to package for twelve of our friends and family. I ran out of time – again I got behind – and, so, I am going to have to make the gingerbread cookies for Santa later this week.
One of these days I will figure out a better schedule so that Wayne doesn’t have to “suffer” through the holidays! :) Plus next year I’d like to be able to bake for more of our friends…we’ll see….
The theme for Daisy’s party was Sweet 2nd and yesterday I was able to help Cyndi wrangle what must have been 20 dozen cookies and cupcakes…NO, it was probably more! We had a really fun afternoon baking for the party and Cyndi taught me how to make some YUMMY peanut butter cookies…don’t tell Wayne! :)