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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Victoria

This morning Charlotte and I attended Victoria’s 3rd Birthday party. Unfortunately, we were quite late due to my desire to take the more interesting route (read: not highways) mixed with bad MapQuest directions. The party was held at Chapin Station Park in Winter Garden. The park is beautiful and has two huge play sets that really kept the kids busy. My uncle, aunt, Cousin Christopher and his fiancé were also there and I was able to catch up with them a bit. My sister and brother in law and their kids also attended I had fun spending time with them too. I really enjoyed watching all the kids try to break the #3 piñata and be the first in line to get some of Victoria’s yummy cake. Charlotte really liked looking at the balloons, not sure she’d seen one before, they fascinated! Charlotte took a ride on the swings for the first time - she sat right next to her cousin Jacob and swung away. She had so much fun and I was able to get a LITTLE bit of video but not the initial wonder she displayed with the first few pushes.

Matt and Amanda did a great job with the party and we really had so much fun in such a fantastic setting! Thanks again for having us!

1 comment:

  1. They LOVE the swings! Isn't great to see their excitement when they try new things? It makes my day!
