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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Christie's Baby Shower

Tonight I attended a baby shower for my long time friend Christie (Fisher) Mullins. Some of our other longtime friends put this whole event together and arranged for the group to meet at Fosters & Ferris, or Chocolate Heaven as I now think if it, in Baldwin Park. We had so much fun drinking champagne and making really neat chocolate creations. I also really enjoyed being able to spend time with Christie, her mom, sister and friends.

Now that “life” has taken over, Christie and I have not been able to see each other as much as we’d like too but really cherish the time we do have together. I have always felt like true friends are there for you when you need them and don’t have to be tended to on a daily basis to know that your friendship is special. I am so happy for Christie, Tim and their newest baby Chase. I wish them a fast labor, healthy baby and happy future – you deserve it!

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