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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Chambers Christmas Eve

Tonight was our annual Chambers Christmas with Wayne’s Mom, sister Gwen and Kelvin. We all gathered at Gwen’s house for a VERY yummy dinner and then (finally – the suspense kills you when you have to be all “adult” and eat before gifts) gift opening. The star of the show was Charlotte in her Christmas pajamas, of course. It was funny that when Wayne’s mom got to the house she spent like five minutes visiting with Charlotte before she even acknowledged our greetings – guess we know where we stand! :)

Well, as you can guess, Charlotte’s Nanny and Auntie Gwen spoiled her like crazy. She received so many neat things including a cool push/ride on toy; turtle shape sorter and even her very first purse complete with zipper sound effects! She did a great job opening the gifts and let us pile bows all over her. I think the most we got to stick at one time was five – maybe if she had more hair we’d have had more luck?!? Mostly fun just for me (don’t think Wayne or Charlotte “get” it) were all the adorable outfits she received. I tell you she has got to be the best dressed little girl thanks in large part to their generosity. Wayne and I also received many great things too – I am especially happy with my Vera Bradley make up case and Muppets Season Three DVDs. Wayne was really happy to get some of the (MANY) DVDs he asked for and much needed clothes, particularly a grey polo shirt he received from his sister. Anyway the whole night, Charlotte’s First Christmas, was so memorable. Thank you Sonia, Gwen and Kelvin for such an amazing and generous Christmas and yummy dinner!!!!

Once we got home and got Charlotte to sleep Wayne and I decided to open our stocking and gifts to each other. It was so nice to just spend time together just the two of us, kinda celebrating each other. Wayne seemed most happy with the special edition 007 DVD’s and a photo book I had made from Charlotte to her Daddy. I LOVE my new craft tool, the Sizzix Big Shot, everyone needs to be warned I have a heavy duty die cutter and I am not afraid to use it! Yippee!

Here is a video of Charlotte opening gifts at Auntie Gwen's house. Even with Daddy's help you can see she has skills!

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