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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Brennan Christmas

This morning (oh my God, we were on time!) Wayne, Charlotte and I joined my family for present opening at my sister’s house. It was a crazy morning because Charlotte woke up with a fever and instead of opening her gifts we spent the time dosing her with meds and trying to get her in a better mood. Once we got to my sisters we had a FULL House - In attendance: My brother in law (recovering from surgery two days before with his shoulder in a sling), sister Sancha, nephews Jacob and Brennan, my mom, dad, step-mom, and step brother and sister…I think that’s it! We enjoyed a yummy breakfast and lots of mimosas before crowding around the tree to dive into the gifts. Everyone was so generous this year and I have to say my favorite gifts are the gift certificate to Jo Ann’s for all things crafty from my sister Kate and a digital photo frame from my Dad and Leigh. Jacob, at almost three, was the life of the party – he actually started opening gifts when the adults were in the other room making mimosas – little rascal! He was so exuberant and just infectious in his excitement.

My Dad, being a jokester, gave me a really neat knitted ear of corn finger puppet – wait for the background! My family always jokes that for big gatherings “Erin will bring the corn” as in all I knows how to do is open a can of corn and so that’s all I can contribute. This is SO not true it makes you wonder how the joke got started – I really can cook – ask Wayne! I submit to you the walnut and pecan pies I made last year or the cauliflower and broccoli casserole, no one got sick that I know of…anyway my Dad gave a really funny and (sorta) nice speech about how I have “moved on” to bigger things and thought I should have the corn as a memento. My Dad IS crazy in case you were wondering and not sure if you could politely ask me about his mental health!

The funny thing about Jake today is that earlier that morning Jake, being super hero crazed, opened Spiderman pajamas from his parents and promptly wanted to put them on – forget Christmas pajamas! Being family we got him a mixture of clothes and toys and every time he opened clothes he started asking his parents, really pleading with them, that he would not have to take off his Spiderman pajamas – it was SO cute. The biggest hits for the boys were the cowboy outfits from Grandma and replica car from Granddad and GranLeigh. All the kids posed in the car and I can tell Jake is going to have his hands full keeping his little brother out of the driver’s seat.

Charlotte was not as involved in the gift opening this morning not sure if it was all the excitement, she tends to be a people watcher, or if it was because she was not feeling well. Either way she did really enjoy herself and came away with so many great books and clothes. Again, this child will be so well dressed. My brother Cameron sent her a neat ride on toy that is a little advanced so we’ll wait for her to start walking before we try that one. My Dad and Leigh gave her an awesome Radio Flyer wagon, it’s an all terrain wooden wagon with metal gates – we can’t wait to pile her in with picnic gear sometime soon. My mom gave Charlotte a fabric The Night Before Christmas that (I look forward to using for years to come as a family tradition every Christmas Eve) and a Bee Band set – all the kids were into that immediately and having so much fun. Grandma Prince and Nonie and Papa also sent adorable things for Charlotte, how kind of them to think of her! We love you all!

I have to say that the morning was great, we’re stuffed, a little tipsy, exhausted and Charlotte - totally spoiled! Now that we are home, everyone needs a nap but Charlotte just wants to play with her stuffed penguin and lamb from Aunt Sancha, Uncle Erik and Grandma! Thanks everybody for a great Christmas!

Here is a video of how excited Charlotte was when opening her gift from uncle Cameron!

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