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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Annual "Nerd Christmas' Dinner

Tonight we hosted the annual Nerd Christmas gathering at our house. This is a long standing tradition (has it been 9 year or more?) where Wayne and his friends get together for a dinner and gift exchange. It’s evolved over the years and many friends have come and gone but it now includes wives and girlfriends and geez one little baby – Charlotte. This year it was WAY past our turn to host and so we invited the gang over to have some ziti, Greek salad, fried ravioli, garlic bread, fresh mozzarella and chocolate pie! I really enjoyed being able to cook for everyone and also use my Fiestaware. I planned to set a red and green table but realized that out of my 200+ pieces I only have maybe three pieces of red Fiestaware. So, instead I set a green, lime green and turquoise table! It was actually very festive in a modern sorta way!

Over dinner and dessert we had a great time visiting with each other and hearing from the guys about the horrors of retail work during the holidays. As a matter of fact Doug, who I missed getting a photo of, had to leave early to work the overnights at his store! Ugh! As usual Charlotte was a huge source of entertainment whether she was “talking” to everyone or arm flailing, making funny faces or laughing her head off – she was the life of the party!

We really enjoyed having everyone over and special thanks go to Wayne to picked up the slack right before the party so that I could take a nap, Marcie for watching Charlotte this afternoon, Doug & Brittany for sharing a great bottle of wine and finally Marcie and Ryan for the adorable outfit and Blues Clues DVD for Charlotte. We hear that “Uncle” Kevin is going to make a special Santa trip to see Charlotte on Christmas – can’t wait for that!

We are really lucky to have such good friends who are great company too!

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