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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

MBC Share Your Family Traditions

After our visit to the pediatrician for Charlotte’s second booster flu shot, we headed over to Mom Baby Connection for the Share Your Family Traditions class. We had a great time visiting with everyone and the class really got me thinking about what traditions Wayne and I might want to start or continue with Charlotte. Monica and Amelia are back from their trip to Thailand, they spent the month of October visiting family. I can’t believe how much Amelia has grown and now she can do all sorts of new things. I was also so glad to see my friend Julie and her daughter Hailey. They have been living between Orlando and Atlanta for the past few months so it’s been a while since we were able to visit with them. Hailey has grown SO much and is as sweet as ever! Can’t wait till they come back during the holidays.

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