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Friday, November 21, 2008

Hurray Cameron's In Town

My “littlest” brother Cameron flew in from Boston last night. I knew he was in Orlando, my Mom went to pick him up after all, but I had no idea he was going to surprise me with a visit to my office this morning. How sweet, do you think he wants something?

Anyway this was the first time they were able to meet and Charlotte’s reaction was just hilarious. She just studied him with a real serious look and anytime he went out of her eyesight she would lean really far over just to keep him in view. She let him hold her, not one to be afraid of new people. Bu it really did take a while for her to warm up to her smiley self.

Cameron was his usual funny self and got Charlotte laughing in no time. After a little while she started talking to him, smiling and dancing (bouncing and bopping her head) to the music of her toy. Dancing except when the video was on, of course!

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