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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Nanny/Mom/Sonia

Tonight Wayne, Charlotte and I gathered over at his mom’s house for her special birthday dinner celebration. Wayne’s sister, Gwen, and her boyfriend, Kelvin, were also able to be there with us. For this special occasion I made my first whole chicken and Gwen, well, she did EVERYTHING else. Everyone seemed to enjoy the dinner and I have to say I am proud of my first efforts at cooking a whole chicken. It was not as scary as I was expecting and if the reviews are anything to go by this is something I should do again soon. Like I said Gwen provided the rest of the meal including desert which was SO delicious!

After dinner we all took turns playing with Charlotte on the floor. Nanny has a special stash of toys for Charlotte; she is such a lucky girl! Anyway, Charlotte provided a lot of entertainment with her drum toy and “talking”.

We were a little concerned about a rash we started to see on Charlotte but after consulting my sister, Sancha, and the internet we concluded it must have been a heat rash – no big deal. I have to say Wayne and I were quite released that Charlotte was not coming down with something!

Happy Birthday Mom/Sonia/Nanny, we hope this is your best year EVER!

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