Pages To Visit

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Winter Park Farmers Market & Fall Festival

After our yummy breakfast Wayne, Charlotte and I took a stroll at the Winter Park Farmers Market. While we were there we stopped by our friend Jen’s booth and she gifted me one of her ivy kissing balls for my birthday – yippee, I LOVE it! The fruit and veggies looked so yummy but since I am going to be gone most of the week we decided it would be better not to waste the produce. We’ll come back another time to stock up on all the beautiful eatables offerings. Wayne did find a HUGE basket of white daisys for me that I just think is fantastic and can’t wait to put by the front door.

After the Farmers Market we strolled over to the Winter Park Fall Festival and on the way took a few moments to enjoy the other “calm” side of the park. Charlotte LOVED watching the pigeons and talking to them. We did do a walk through the festival and enjoyed all the noises and sights of so many families having a great day. Unfortunately, the activities were geared towards older children so Charlotte was on the sidelines this time around. But we really had a great morning and feel like in a few years Charlotte would just love the Winter Park Fall Festival too.

1 comment:

  1. Love the daddy pics! They are crazy about their girls and it's too cute!
