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Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick Or Treating At The Caribe

So since our seminar this year fell on Halloween FLEA decided to organize a Trick or Treat event throughout the hotel for the little kids – okay I mostly organized it. My sister Sancha and her family (Erik, Jake & Brennan) came too! Jake was so funny with his costume changes from Mr. Incredible to Wolverine – knocking on doors and yelling “trick or treat-ING”. Brennan could not have been cuter toddling around in his dragon costume – I just wish the camera had been out for that. Charlotte had a lot of fun watching the colorful costumes run by her while she was perched comfortably in her stroller.

Also, I have to note that later that night Wayne and I took Charlotte with us (and the FLEA Probate Team speakers) to dinner at The Venetian Room – a VERY fancy restaurant. She was an angel – THANK YOU CHARLOTTE – she is almost always great at restaurants but we had her out till at least 10:30pm without complaint!

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