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Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Happy October Everyone!

As you know, October is a big month in the Chambers household – we really get into the spirit from day one and start celebrating Erin’s Birthday and Halloween all month long. This year we decided to start the month out right by taking pictures of Charlotte in her “everyday” Halloween outfit from Aunt Sancha. She has a cute Happy Halloween kitty t-shirt and adorable stripe socks thanks to Sancha and a great pumpkin hat from Mommy. She looks so grown up in her t-shirt and jeans! Charlotte just loved the pumpkins and spent quite a lot of time trying to EAT them! Luckily Auntie Gwen also gave Charlotte a few pair of adorable Halloween socks so Charlotte will have many options for festive October outfits. I swear this child is so well dressed thanks mostly to her Aunts and Grandmothers – who all have great taste - thanks guys!


  1. I cannot believe how much Charlotte has grown! I love her Halloween clothes and costumes!

  2. Man alive she is growing up supercrazynoway fast! I hope to be there within the month so see it! Oh, and I *guess* celebrate your birthday.

  3. she is so stinkin' cute!
