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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Wayne's in Vegas

This morning, sometime around the crazy hour of 4:30am, Charlotte and I dropped Wayne off at the airport for his trip to Vegas. He is going to be gone until Thursday for a cooperate managers meeting and expects the next four days to be jammed packed. Wayne and I were a little concerned for a while that hurricane Ike was going to scrap his trip. Luckily for us, unlucky for everyone affected by the storm, the hurricane missed Florida. So, he’s off on his business trip and its just going to be a girl week in the Chambers home. My mom is coming over this afternoon to stay with us until Tuesday – we are so lucky. Charlotte is going to have a blast having Grandma around 24-7 for the next few days! Plus later in the week Wayne’s mom has offered to come by to help out too – hence girls only week in the Chambers house!

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