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Friday, September 5, 2008

Play Date With The Brennan Cousins

Today my sister stopped by my office to loan me her humidifier. Since its Friday she has the boys and the quick visit turned into a VERY fun Play Date with the cousins. We got some great pictures of them playing with Charlotte’s toys and climbing all over us. We feel so lucky to be close to our family and because of that great opportunities like this for regular Friday to turn into so much more. As is typical, Charlotte was very quiet and observant during the visit. You could tell she was taking it all in – I kept trying to encourage her to take crawling lessons from her cousin, Brennan.

1 comment:

  1. Cristiana is the same way, she usually sits back and observes everything. I've been told that babies who sit there and take it all in are likely to be very intelligent in the future. Maybe we have a pair of IV-leaguers :)
