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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Mom Baby Connection: Childproofing Your House

Today for class we were able to participate in a presentation on childproofing your home. The presenter was the same man who put on the private CPR class I took at Hillary’s house. Just as with the CPR class this was hugely informative and I am so glad to see some of the options we have – there is just SO much to know. During the presentation on how to help your infant if they are choking the CPR infant was brought out. I took a funny picture of baby Rider and his newest “girlfriend” the CPR doll.

Melissa, Rider’s mom, and I were laughing our heads off – hope his dad doesn’t mind?!? I also got a really cute picture of Maite and Christiana, seems like every time we meet, I get cute pictures of them. Its cuz that pair is so photogenic! It was so great to get to see all my M&M friends. It’s been awhile, maybe three weeks, since I last sall the group. With Charlotte’s six month shots and crazy weather, we have missed a few of the gatherings. I was surprised by how much I missed all the girls and how much the babies have grown. Most of the kids are already crawling – it’s going by so fast!

After lunch we went the Melina Mall to have a tasty lunch at the food court. Charlotte was an angle and even entertained herself all through lunch, a trip to MAC and some quick window shopping. I’m a lucky mommy!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pic opf Rider and his "girlfriend". Can you send me a copy of the pic w/me & Cristiana?
