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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Mom Baby Connection

Today Charlotte and I had our first Mom Baby Connection class and lunched afterwards at Dexter’s in Winter Park. This class is a lot more relaxed and “play date” oriented than the Mommy & Me classes we have been taking. It has been so fun to watch all the babies grow up and learn new things! Today we realized that almost all of the babies are sitting up on their own – except Charlotte. So I spent the better part of an hour during class propping her up and showing her the wonder of sitting up like a big girl. Charlotte really is great with rolling over and doing pushups but I don’t think we have been doing much to encourage her to sit up on her own. We’ll work on it! On the other hand she has been talking up a storm and loves to grab people’s faces in both of her hands – it just melts you heart. She also really likes to play in her activity center and turn herself around to get a better selection of toys to play with.

1 comment:

  1. She's Charlotte is doing great! Remember that all babies have their own time for developing different skills ( I always need to remind myself). Charlotte already knows her name which is awesome! Cristiana only looks at you when you throw her a kiss (Funny..our dog Rusty is the same way, she doesn't know her name either) haha.
