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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Catching Up With Tyler

I got a call today from my brother, Tyler, who is currently living in Savannah pursuing his degree from SCAD. He just wanted to check up on us since we have been getting such crazy weather, such a nice guy! He is planning to take off work in the next six weeks or so to make an extended visit to Orlando and wanted to semi-coordinate that too. I am really excited to visit with him and for him to see how much Charlotte has grown in four months. Anyway our intended brief conversation ended up being an hour long call – how lucky am I to have a brother who WANTS to talk to me that much! ;) Anyway, he shared with the new site he is working on to publishes some of his drawings and renderings – see the link under Family Blogs & Websites on the right side of our Blog. I am including a picture of him wearing a funny shirt (he actually won the shirt in a family poker tournament we had a few years ago for Father’s Day) and one of his drawings I particularly like. Just to extend my Tyler Love Fest (Ty, you really get mega points for listening to me go on and on about all the new things Charlotte can do) I also wanted to include one of his personal philosophies that really rings true to me:

Have not that which is wasted;
waste not that which you hold.
Fight on when your heart fumbles
do not fall for people's gold
Stand up when pressed to kneeling
and kneel when all seems lost
I know it seems expensive
but I'm here to split the cost.

1 comment:

  1. Awww...thanks for the post E! *hug*

    Hope all is well with you and pinch wayne for me =o)

