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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Start Of Our Work/Vacation Trip

Today we started our work/vacation trip by driving down to The Breakers in Palm Beach. We were running late as we hit a couple of “traveling with baby” snafus. We did finally get there, a half hour late for Erin’s pre con with the hotel staff and RPP&TL Legislative Update Committee. Once our meeting concluded we spent some time unpacking and just getting settled. Wayne ordered us some YUMMY cheese burgers and amazing deserts so that they were just being delivered to the room when I got there. Those defiantly gave me the energy to do all the unpacking! I took some pictures of what our room looked like once we “settled in”. I cannot believe how much stuff we packed for Charlotte – I am sure we will need most of it, but it’s a lot of stuff. Luckily the hotel provided a lot of the baby necessities like a pack n’ play, bottle warmer, fridge and diaper genie. I don’t know where we would have found the room in our car if we’d brought our own. Between the stroller and Wayne’s golf clubs the trunk of the SAAB was packed sardine tight. The hotel staff also child proofed the room which was kinda funny since Charlotte is only rolling over at this point and not likely to get into anything by herself!

Sancha and Sheila, Erin’s sister and mom, are also on this work trip and offered to watch Charlotte so that Wayne and I could have a “date night”. We spent the evening rushing to The Gap to get Wayne a button down shirt he forgot to pack and FINALLY watching the Dark Night. The movie was so much fun and I jumped, to Wayne’s amusement, quite a few times during the show. We had a blast tooling around the Palm Beach City Center and generally starting our work/vacation off right.

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