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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Mommy & Me: 903 Mills Market

Today I met with my Mommy & Me group. Our speaker was a psychologist who talked about preserving our relationships and remembering that we are more than mommies. She was a fantastic speaker and I really learned a lot. After the speaker we met with the nurse who runs our meetings and she discussed sleeping patterns – or lack thereof! Luckily, Charlotte has been a good sleeper since about her second month. - I HAVE MY FINGERS CROSSED AS I TYPE- During our meeting Charlotte was flirting with her friends Amelia and Maya – although she is not a mobile as they are (they ARE older, well a little) she did enjoy watching them scoot around and share her toys.

After class a lot of the mommies and babies went over to 903 Mills Market for lunch. It was especially fun because many of the mommies and babies who have previously graduated were able to join us too! I think in the end there were about ten couples – that always draws a lot of attention! You can imagine the space we take up with so many strollers too! Charlotte was really good and even got to be held by Maite while I took some pictures. I also got to hold Amelia while her mommy, Monica, was getting settled. It was so neat to hold another baby – before you have one of your own you think “babies are all the same”. Now I notice the subtle differences and appreciate their individual personalities.


  1. I really enjoyed holding Charlotte. She was such a good girl for me. She did feel totally different from Cristiana...well.. they are complete opposites. :)

  2. What cute pics! I may have to steal for my blog! :) Thanks for always keeping us moms out and doing something! Youre a great coordinator! :)
    Hey- how did you post other blogger addresses on the side of your page?! I'm curious!- I want that on mine!
