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Friday, July 25, 2008

Friday's Events

Wayne and Charlotte spent the day together lounging in the hotel room and strolling around the extensive property. Late in the afternoon he came by the meeting to visit us and help greet my sister’s husband, Erik, and their two boys, Jacob and Brennan. Jake was so cute running around to the exhibitors with a general “look what I can do” spiel. Wayne and I took a few moments on the veranda to get a break and take some pictures. I LOVE this area of the property and would live on these couches if the hotel would let me.

Wayne and I attended the Speaker Reception to greet and gather with the other people responsible for putting on the seminar. The Committee chose specific wines for us to taste and we happily imbibed glass after glass of wines we would never have been able to afford on our own. We were so proud to see Sancha, my sister, and her committee receive the recognition they deserved for all of their hard work on the RPPTL Legislative Update Committee. She is amazing and always a source of inspiration to me. We were also able to talk travel with my FLSSI boss, Roger, and his wife, Peggy. They have quite literally traveled EVERYWHERE. An innocent mention about dealing with customs during your travels kept us wrapped with interest for thirty five minutes. After the reception, we went to dinner on property at their Italian restaurant. The meal was SO good but I, as you can imagine, was SO tired. I feel sad to have wasted so much food!

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