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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Charlotte's 4.75 Month Stats

Charlotte Morgan Chambers At 4.75 Months Old

  • Nick Name: Charlotte Bunny or Funny Bunny
  • Eye Color: Gray with a hint of blue/green
  • Face she makes most like dad: Furrowed eyebrows
  • Feature most like mom: Mouth/lips
  • Firsts this month: Rolling over from front to back and back to front, finding her feet, opening her hands real wide and touching people’s faces
  • Smiles when: Mommy asks “Charlotte are you SERIOUS” and when daddy makes funny faces and sounds
  • Favorite activity: Trying to eat her feet, gnawing on everything she can get her hands on, and tummy time at Mommy & Me
  • Sleep Schedule: Only Naps twice a day, once for an average of thirty minutes in the morning then afternoons nap of about two hours. Sleeps through the night from about 9pm to 8 am
  • Doesn’t like: Pacifiers anymore, only wants to suck on her thumbs
  • Cries when: In crowds of people (4th of July was her first overwhelming experience) and when the blow-dryer is on.
  • Must have travel item: Frog activity bar that attaches to her infant carrier (Thanks “Aunt Lauren”)
  • Things we find MOST endearing: Her smile, how happy she is in the morning, her snuggle time
  • New skill: Now she takes a bath in the baby bathtub without the infant net! She does not splash the water yet but she does seem to like the bath time, especially the naked time!

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