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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Such A Smart Baby

This morning Wayne and I woke to music coming from the nursery. We both assumed the other had gone into soothe Charlotte and turned on her aquarium crib toy. But guess what? Neither of us had – Charlotte figured out how to do it by herself! When I went to get her up this morning, she had her feet propped up on the toy and was turning the music and lights on and off with her toes. She must have scooted herself around to that position in the night because she sure can’t crawl yet. The picture above is a dramatization photo I took later after she was up and dressed. But as soon as I laid her down to take the picture, she put her feet right back up there to do it again! Such a smart baby!


  1. YEA Charlotte! Great job on your blog Erin, see it isn't that hard, and yes, it's very addicting.

  2. how fun erin!! i'm so glad you started a blog! i havent quite read every entry yet but i plan to catch up soon. she is just precious!

  3. Erin! I'm so glad you started a blog! I love reading about what you guys have been up to and now I can see Charlotte growing!!! yeah!

  4. WOW!! What a smart little girl :) I'm so glad you started this blog, looks like I need to start one too, so that I can keep everyone updated!!

  5. "The picture above is a dramatization photo..."

    That made me laugh so hard. Out loud, too. It scared Satchmo, so score one Chambers! Since this seems to be the place to post about how awesome it is that you started this blog, I am going to jump on the bandwagon. This is great, and I have added it to my RSS feed so I will instantly know and have access when you make updates.
