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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Month Four Musings

Charlotte is doing great and were doing pretty well ourselves. If you can believe it, she is four months old already. At last count about 15 ½ pounds and 26 inches – a very tall girl. We love her to bits and enjoy her smiles so much. She has started to giggle A LITTLE and it just takes your breath away – funny how you take these things for granted until you watch your baby learn how to do them. Wayne and I have been making a point to still get out thanks to “The Grandmas”. We have actually gotten to go on quite a few dates and drink alcohol, let me tell you that first glass is amazing! Otherwise I am back at work (for the last month or so) and am lucky enough to bring Charlotte with me. We have a mock nursery in the office next to mine complete with a pack-n-play, bouncy seat, swing and various toys. I even have a swing and bassinet in my office. Thank God for hand me downs! I joined a Mommy & Me group (it’s affiliated with our hospital and free if you took birthing classes there) that has really helped me to adjust. Is more beneficial than you can imagine talking with other moms who have babies the same age. You learn a lot from what has worked for them and what has failed miserably. I was amazed to meet so many cool women who were not the proto-typical June Cleaver. Some are ex bar managers or writers for funky magazines – its kinda cool networking too – most still want a sassy life after baby and want to know how to incorporate their kid not just turn into a one hit wonder mom. Plus in our class they have speakers on all kinds of things that you sorta read about before you bring the baby home, but before the hospital trip all you can really think about is getting that baby out as safely and painlessly as possible. Wayne has turned out to be a fantastic Dad – I am not surprised but very proud nonetheless. We are still feeling our way and probably will be for the rest of our lives, but things are good.

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