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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Four Month Birthday

Charlotte is four months old today!
Wow, time really flies! We definitely feel like having her was one of the best things to happen to our lives, right up there with meeting each other and getting married. She continues to sleep through the night in her crib, @11pm to @7:30am – we know we’re lucky and keep our fingers crossed every night when we put her to bed. Recently she giggled for us a couple of times, once for Daddy, once for Grandma and once for Mommy! We are still not quite sure what the key is to making her do it – Grandma used the tickle technique, Daddy was making loud noises and Mommy was saying “Charlotte are you Serious?” She just laughed and laughed. But that was it – the same trick did not work later in the day! Char is not rolling all the way over yet but she is rolling onto her side and sometimes sleeps or plays in that position. Generally she is a smiley baby and if the atmosphere is quiet enough (read: she has no other distractions) she will talk your ear off and wave her hands around to make her point. Plus she just goes crazy on her changing table, kicking and talking to the art piece above the changing pad. Wayne and I “fight” over who gets to get her in the morning or pick her up after a nap because that is her best time. Charlotte is so cheerful and just vibrates with happiness when you wake her up - the cherry on top is her beautiful smile beaming right at you!
I took another “month” photo of her today; since she was born I have been taking these on her monthly birthday. She is wearing the same outfit, size 12 months, so by the end of her first year we can see how she changes and fills it out!

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