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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Erin’s First Day Back To Work

Charlotte and Mommy

Having lunch with Grandma

Grandma & Charlotte

Charlotte's Desk

Charlotte's Office

Yesterday was my first day back from maternity leave. Charlotte loved the office and I have to say even though my desk was towering with files to attend to - it was not too bad. Charlotte had so many new things to look at and toys to play with so of course she slept most of the day away. Thanks Nanny, Auntie Gwen and Kelvin for the fantastic pack-n-play, its so fancy and Charlotte is going to be lucky enough to use it everyday! Thanks also go in a big way to Aunt Sancha and "Uncle" Jen for so many hand-me-downs. Thanks to you two, we really have everything else we could need. Gonna miss those lazy days with Charlotte though, two months is just not enough!

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