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Friday, April 25, 2008

Two Month Doctors Appointment

Charlotte had her two month appointment yesterday, which means shots - God I cried SO much! Wayne was so strong, he was able to hold her down even when she started screaming. The doctor says she looks great. Poor thing got one oral vaccination and five immunization shots! That seems like a lot for one little baby. She is in the 75% percentile for most things and weighs a whopping 12lbs now. Other than a fever from the immunizations and thus crankiness, she is doing great.

Height: 22 1/2 Inches (50th Percentile)

Weight: 12 Pounds (75th Percentile)

Head Circumference: 15 1/2 Inches (75th Percentile)

Charlotte is on the verge of a smile any day now and we can't wait.

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