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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Thoughts on Pregnancy & Newborns

The growing pains were so strange for me, just felt like my balance was outa-wack and my skin was itchy from pulling so much. It’s an amazing experience, even if I could not breathe half the time. Mostly it was scary not knowing what to expect half the time. I don’t do real well with the unknown…

I thought I did very well with the prenatal weirdness (read: only considered divorce two or three times!) but Wayne has a totally different view. Is just hard to have daily out if body experiences where you know its irrational – demanding fresh donuts at 4am, thinking that if he walks past those dishes in the sink one more time you’re basically going to be a single parent – but you can’t help yourself sometimes. Truthfully there were plenty of times I held myself back – God knows what I would have done if I had just let loose! :) In fairness Wayne was really great, we were just both feeling our way.

As amazing, fun, emotional and wonderful the whole experience is, it’s also scary and scary and scary. During my most emotional times, like when the doctors were pushing for a scheduled C and I was holding out for a “semi-natural” birth (when my belly was measuring 4+ weeks ahead of schedule) or about a week after we brought her home and I was scared to be left alone with her, I mean what did I know about a newborn – it’s hard to remember that you’re a newbie a the whole mommy thing and to cut yourself some slack.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

One Month Birthday

Today Charlotte is one month old!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Our Easter Bunny

Charlotte in her pretty Easter dress snuggling her sweet bunny. Thanks Aunt Sancha and "Aunt" Peggy! For some reason Wayne and I have not used the nicknames we thought we'd use for Charlotte (Charlie or Cha-Cha) but we have taken to calling her Charlotte Bunny. She is so sweek and cuddly, this nickname is gonna stick until she grows into her personality more. Then we'll give Cha-Cha and Charlie test drives.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Thanks to Aunt Sancha, Charlotte had the perfect outfit to celebrate her first St. Patrick’s Day!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Charlotte's Birth Announcement

Sorry the scan quality is off!